My name is Michelle Marquez
and I am excited to share
my passion for science + art with you.
The Paradox of Emotional Dimensionality: The Effect of the Dimensionality of Audio Stimuli on the Brain’s Electrical Activity, a Neuroscience Study
I am passionate about understanding the human perceptions of art by using scientific correlations.
The Emotional Dimensions of the James River, Produced and Directed by Michelle Marquez
This experimental film was musically and visually designed based on a neuroscience research project that correlates a mathematical parameter (fractal dimension) of sounds and images with the selective triggering of emotional states.

Michelle was inducted in the NATIONAL GALLERY OF AMERICA’S YOUNG INVENTOR Oct , 2015 (Thomas Edison Award)
By admin | Featured Homepage | No Commentshttp://www.nmoe.org/gallery/i15.htm

2015 ISEF First Place Winner in Behavioral and Social Science
By Content Editor | Featured Homepage | No CommentsThe Mapping of Emotional Dimensions: Toward a Neuro-Thermal Biometric System for the Diagnosis of Emotional Flexibility.

This experimental film provides an emotional roller coaster experience that was musically and visually designed based on a neuroscience research project that correlates a mathematical parameter (fractal dimension) of sounds and images with the selective triggering of emotional states.
I am aiming to challenge the traditional division and break down the barrier between between Science and Art to create a unique visual and audio experience of time perceptions and emotional dimensions. . My three-year journey in research has revealed the deeply rooted biological connection that the human brain forms with complex images, sounds, and music. I have used my scientific discoveries as a platform to share my dream of finding a place “Where Science Meets Art.”
I invite you to ride this emotional rollercoaster while dreaming about a place “Where Science Meets Art” at the James River. Enlighten yourself by looking at the world from your personal point of view while dreaming inside your curiosity.

Michelle Marquez created a unique experience specially for the audience at TEDxYouth@RVA and we are now able to share it with the world.
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Michelle Marquez on CNN’s “Vital Signs” with Dr. Sanjay Gupta
By admin | Featured Homepage | No CommentsCNN.com
July 17, 2014

Meet Michelle Marquez and sister Samantha Marquez who were featured on CNN’s “Vital Signs” with Dr. Sanjay Gupta for their pioneering work in cluster cells and fractal dimension.

The Paradox of Emotional Dimensionality: The Effect of the Dimensionality of Audio Stimuli on the Brain’s Electrical Activity, a Neuroscience Study
I am passionate about understanding the human perceptions of art by using scientific correlations. For my research, I studied the mathematical structure of sounds that triggers selective emotions. I was able to prove that certain types of music affect the brain and that the responses may have an evolutionary and biological basis. My research can provide a new foundation to how music therapy can work in treating symptoms of mood, neurological, and anxiety disorders such as PTSD and Attention Deficit Disorder.
Awards and Recognitions
- 2015 Virginia School Boards Association (VSBA) Conference – Keynote Speaker
- 2014 Global STEMPreneurs – Student Panelist
- 2014 MRSF (Metro Richmond Science Fair)Grand Prize WinnerFirst Place & Best in Category Winner
- 2014 ISEF (International Science and Engineering Fair) – Los Angeles, CAFirst Place & Best in Category WinnerSpecial Award: American Psychological AssociationIntel Foundation Cultural and Scientific Visit to China Award
- 2013 Broadcom MASTERS